Half of the reason why we love replaying our favorite movies is to ogle good looking characters, and to stare at their outfits, of course. Costumes play a great role in movies, more so than you think. They set the theme, mood, and add realistic details to make the movie more believable. Many movies even hired designers to specifically design clothes for the feature. While there are way too many of our favorite movies to be listed, here are the Top 7 Movies With The Best Costumes that even critics agree with:

1. Memoirs of a Geisha
Ugh, this movie was just out of this world good. The costume was so on-point with what olden Japan looked like back then, and the DETAILS! The producers paid attention to every single part: from the perfectly drawn red lips, the nape make up, even to crafting the exact same platform sandals. We also love how each outfit resonates with the characters of the geishas, and ranges within a femininity scale.

2. The Great Gatsby
One does not simply leave out Gatsby when it comes to the best-dressed list. The Great Gatsby was full of glamour and the costumes did it justice. They definitely brought back what the Roaring 20s was like with the gold fringe dresses, head pieces, and long gloves. Not to mention Gatsby’s pink suit. We’re in love.

3. Alice in Wonderland
We sort of saw this coming when the movie launched. With a fairy-tale setting, you’re going to get equally good costumes. We love how Colleen Atwood (who also won the Best Costume Award for Memoirs of a Geisha and Chicago) didn’t hold back with the outlandish and creative outfits that fit right in into Tim Burton’s eccentric vision.

4. The Grand Budapest Hotel
Like Memoirs of a Geisha, The Grand Budapest Hotel won big because of how on-point their outfits were. The movie looked like it came straight out of the 1970s and well, there’s not much to say other than you have to watch it to understand. You’ll love it.

5. Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina features a rather heavy storyline involving politics, morality, gender and social class, just to name a view. But if you’re not into that kind of thing, watch it for the dresses. The movie features Russian aristocrats and plays along the interactions of noble families, so you’re going to be seeing a lot of enchanting ball gowns worn by princesses.

6. The Intern
Our favorite movie at the moment! This movie didn’t win an award of sorts (not yet!) but we absolutely love how it’s so relatable to the modern working women. We love how the movie shows that corporate moguls don’t have to dress to the 9s everyday, and they’re just well-dressed because they pick flattering outfits. Jules Ostin wore so many good clothes that we rushed to the nearest clothing store after watching The Intern.

7. Kingsman The Secret Service
Obviously, we couldn’t leave the men out. There’s just something so powerfully seductive about a man in a well-tailored suit. As the movie says, a bespoke suit is the modern man’s armor.
These are just some of our favorite blockbuster costumes. Did you favorite movie make the list?