Classics will always be in style. We go behind the brand and follow POTTS designer, Patricia Stephanie, to defy trends for timeless pieces.
What’s the first thing you thought of this morning?
- what’s for breakfast?
- What should I post on instagram today?
What is one misconception that people get about your job?
People often misunderstand the concept of a designer’s price. When they hear about the price, the most common question is ‘what is the material?’ People in Indonesia often do not appreciate the expertise and hours that are put into one piece of clothing. They don’t understand that our products are carefully sown and neatly finished by our expert (which we pay accordingly). That there are 10 samples thrown away before we finally say, “This is it!”, there are more than 1 designer’s thought, wish, creativity, and skills to each and every design we produce, and that is something they should pay for.
When it comes to fashion, what are some rules you always follow?
Always go for timeless pieces.
In 3 words, how would you describe Indonesia’s fashion industry?
It repeats itself.
The Collective is a collaborative effort between POTTS Jakarta and 4 other people. If you could collaborate with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be?
It would be Sapto Djojokartiko. I always admire how he creates timeless and classic pieces, how he managed to successfully infuse Indonesian ethnic culture into it. Not to mention his beautiful finishing and detail on every design he creates.
Things every girl needs to have in their wardrobe?
- Shirts in both black and white
- An expensive pair of jeans, that are both durable and comfortable
- Designer’s scarf
- Ballerina flats
- Sneakers
- Expensive heels in black or nude
What’s a trend that you wish everybody would stop wearing?
I’d say none, because an item which works on someone might not work on someone else. I’m not someone who judges other people’s fashion sense. If you like to wear ripped jeans, good. If you are more comfortable with dresses, it’s okay too. If you are a woman who loves to wear a skirt, great! If you are a man who loves to wear a skirt, it’s no problem too. The key is to be comfortable in your own skin. There’s always something that works for you.
There are things that might not work for me though, like balloon arms or dresses and candy color eye shadow.
What is an item of clothing you’ve had the longest?
- A green emerald scarf from a Thai Designer.
- Ferragamo flats, which survived being soaked in Jakarta’s flood twice.
Why do you make your clothes made-to-order?
The reason being is that we just can’t meet everyone’s demands. Our expertise continue to grow, but so does the demand.
If you were a superhero, what would your superhero name be?
Hmmm… tricky question. Maybeee…. “nerdy girl’ as I spend most of my free time at home, reading books. Or out there attending some workshops to learn new skills or sharpening old ones. My super power will be “utterly curious about life”.
Other than your phone, what’s 3 things you always have in your bag?
- measurement tape
- bca token
- ‘Monopoli Deals’ pack
Are there any projects you’re working on that we should look out for?
……… maybe. LOL. But like all good things, it’s best to keep it as a secret until the time comes.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Still eager to learn I hope
- As nerdy as I am now
- Maybe I will finally take an interest in cooking
- Expanding POTTS to the global market’