Get ready for the sunniest season yet, a prime time for sunglasses. The intense sun rays can be harmful to both your eyes and skin, so you better come prepared. For that summer 20/20 vision, you're gonna be needing a good pair (or two) to ensure that your eyes are protected in style.
As for the options, they are always something to suit everyone. The trends are versatile and fast-moving, from classic aviators, to thick vintage statement, all the way to sunset-colored lenses. We'd like to keep a sunglasses wardrobe with different lenses, frames, and shapes for different occasions, please!
In the perfect world, every pair of cute sunnies would be totally affordable - but sometimes that's not the case. Hence, when it comes down to it, a pair of inexpensive trendy one is in order every summertime. But let's be honest here, all of our recommendations below will frame your fantastic looks all season long.
Below are the perfect pairs from Vema Studios that'll fit every single of your personality archetype. Go from basic to stylish in no time.

Oversized sunnies are and will always be "in". Consider this nice big pair that covers half of your face; in the best way possible of course. With classically designed-styled square frame, these feel very timeless to us. The bigger the lens, the better. All black or gradient-brown combo, your call.

Sunglasses are FUNDAMENTAL. There's no better way to wear these babies other than with some warm weather outfits. Get in the shades and enjoy the attainable, stress-free, optically-pleasing days while they last. Your bank account will thank you.